Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Thanking those who responded to my blog

Still not all that sure about what I am doing so I am going to go and study other people's blogs
I think it would be really cool before this is over to have a list with links to my friends blogs
now I got to figure out how to do it

Next I need to find out how to get my books in the colleges
It seems that Idrissa and Troy from AALBC think it would be a perfect recommended read
putting me up their with Shakespeare, Maya Angelou, scholastic books
when that happens I know I have arrived God is good all the time


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, just checking out your blog. Nicely done! Wishing you tons of success with your books!
Howard Hopkins
Author of Night Demons

Unknown said...

hi Kim, nicely done.

Linda L Rucker said...

Hi Kim!! Glad to see you finally jumped on this insane bandwagon!
I'm with you on this blogging stuff. It is not as easy as Dorothy tries to make out. Either that or I am simply tech challenged!
Anyway, I will link my blog to yours.

Ronda Del Boccio said...

Hi Kim!

Ok, I have some ideas for you...
What if you found out the heads of department in African American Studies and gave them a sample reading from your book?

I have never tried getting books specifically into colleges, so maybe someone else who does know can guide you better than I.
But you would want to talk to the acquisitions manager/ buyer/ owner. Try a college close to where you live first, so you can get a face to face.
Then - armed with your book and reviews and your press kit - arrange to talk with them about your book and why it belongs in the store.
Once you've talked to someone you can find out the usual procedure.

Make a habit of mentioning what you need to people, because you never know how/when someone will be able to connect you.

Would you consider setting your blog comment rules so that people who don't have a google acct can post? That might broaden your net for comments.

Also, remember that your blog has help files and probably tutorials. Blogger is an excellent blog for newbies because it has lovely training wheels. :D

Hope that helps.
Ronda Del Boccio, "The Story Lady" of
authoring coach, award-winning author and edu-tainer